Online Exhibition | New Horizons | 25 July – 31 December 2020

Posted by on aug 15, 2020 in Exhibition | Hozzászólások kikapcsolva

Contemporary Art Curator Magazine

 My name is Adrienn Huszti, I’m from Budapest, Hungary. I have studied visual representation, graphic design, and painting at the University of Szeged, with architectural glasswork specialisation. I like to be inspired by nature or animals in my creations, I use different visual wording by means of painting or graphics, sometimes combining these, as an example vector graphics with painting. I apply colors with strong, vibrant intensity, sometimes with a subdued pastel or monochrome effect. On the other hand, the characteristics of architectural glass are present in my works,  I divide the shapes into planes, use simple lines, arcs, and geometric shapes.

The Beatles

Posted by on szept 3, 2014 in artwork | Hozzászólások kikapcsolva

From me to you CD borítót még 2004-ben alakítottam át, ami egyben az első Photoshopos próbálkozásom volt. A Queen The Miracle borítójához hasonlóan próbáltam megformázni a The Beatles From me to you borítót, ahol az együttes tagok feje jellegzetesen egybeforrnak.